
<aside> 🌱 Phase 1 Research


Exploration in the modern world

<aside> 🌱 People who are adventurous ‘explore art, space (land, water, air), science and everyday life.’ [1] However, its recognition as being an important procedure is missing from the modern world.


<aside> 🌱 There are 4 different types of exploration when defined in a dictionary:


<aside> 🌱 One is to study, examine, analyse and investigate something.


<aside> 🌱 The second is to become familiar with something after testing/experimenting with it. This is typically done by artists and inventors.


<aside> 🌱 The third is to travel through or over a particular area for discovery and adventure. This is referred to as Spatial Exploration.


<aside> 🌱 The final is to examine and find something. An example of this would be exploring for gold. In which there is methodology.


<aside> 🌱 By having so many senses of the word ‘Exploration’ it is difficult to understand the verb.


[1] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert-Stebbins-2/publication/309967516_Exploratory_research_in_the_social_sciences_what_is_exploration/links/5c3b7024299bf12be3c52322/Exploratory-research-in-the-social-sciences-what-is-exploration.pdf

[2]. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert-Stebbins-2/publication/309967516_Exploratory_research_in_the_social_sciences_what_is_exploration/links/5c3b7024299bf12be3c52322/Exploratory-research-in-the-social-sciences-what-is-exploration.pdf